
Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2023/04/26 11:00

The report displays information about downtime of objects that last more than 60 minutes. The report data is broken down by day (this is called a shift in report terms). Within a day, a list of stops is formed, which can be both inside geo objects and outside.


Report structure:

  • Object name;
  • Shift - a period equal to a day, during which equipment downtime was detected;
  • Simple - the period of parking of equipment;
  • Duration of downtime and location - one cell of the table indicates the duration of the parking of equipment and its location at the time of parking;
  • Idle duration XX and location - indicates the duration of idling during parking, as well as the location of the object;
  • Lane number - the number of the haul is increased after the geo object stops.


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