Editing notification text

Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2024/05/27 15:08

To edit the text of notifications, you need to go to the notification settings window to select the type of notification:


Under the "Notification Name" field there is a button to open a window for editing the text of system notifications. When you click, the following window opens: 


To continue editing, check the "Edit system template" checkbox, then the text editing field will become available:


On the left side there is a list of events that match the selected template. For example, when editing the notification text for the “Overspeeding” event, the notification is generated when the object goes beyond the selected speed range and returns to normal, so you have the choice of editing for each event separately. In addition, when selecting any other type of event, the text of the "Expiration" notification is always available for editing.

On the right side of the window is the text editor itself. When you select an event from the list, a system notification text automatically appears, which you can adjust or completely replace. 

The required fields to create a notification are: Message subject and text. They cannot be left empty.

Text formatting tools are available in the text field:


You can change the font, boldness, italics, color and more. In addition, it is possible to insert a hyperlink. To do this, select the required part of the text and click the "Insert hyperlink" button:


In the window that appears, insert the required address. 

For convenience, the editor has options that you can display in the notification text.

The set of options depends on the notification template you choose. When the notification starts working, these parameters will be replaced with real values. 


When you hover over a parameter, a pop-up window appears with a hint:

[object] - The object for which the notification was triggered;
[model] - Object model;
[event_date] - Date the notification was triggered;
[event_time] - Notification trigger time;
[create_date] - Date the notification was created;
[create_time] - Time when the notification was created;
[radius] - Radius of the circle designated in the notification template of the "Address" type (default - 10)
[address] - Address at which the event occurred;
[value] - Quantity, displays the quantity of the calculated value in the notification;
[task_name] - Name of the maintenance task;
[sensor] - Sensor name;
[minvalue] - Minimum sensor value;
[maxvalue] - Maximum sensor value;
[left_text] - The remaining period before the maintenance task moves to the “Overdue” status.

If you need to return the system notification text, you can click on the "Default" button:


After editing the notification text, click on the "Save" button and continue with the notification settings.



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