Efficiency in the use of technology

Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2023/04/26 10:56

This report displays the statistics of the equipment or unit operation for the specified period of time and based on the parameters in the settings and general operation statistics. The settings can be found in the user settings panel, in the Reports section. The information is generated from the report settings, the status of the object "In operation".


The idling ratio is calculated as:  idling time / driving time.

Engine hours coefficient, calculated as:  engine hours / duration.

The coefficient of use of working time is calculated as:  car-hours in motion / car-hours in service.

In fact, this is the ratio of the value in the "Movement" column to the value in the "Duration" column

The value of the utilization rate should be calculated based on the days worked for a given time period. For example, the specified period is 30 calendar days, the vehicle has worked for 30 days, respectively, the coefficient is 1, if the output was 15 days, the coefficient is 0.5. etc.

Created by Андрей Калиновский on 2022/05/16 13:16


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