Custom fields

Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2024/05/27 14:11

The Custom Fields tab is located in the object properties.


  • To display the tab, you must have the right: View custom fields

It is possible to Add image-20221005124556-2.png , Edit image-20221005124556-3.png  and Delete image-20221005124556-4.png  custom fields.

  • To add a field, you must have the right: Create custom fields
  • To edit a field, you must have the right: Edit custom fields
  • To delete a field, you must have the right: Delete custom fields

When adding, a window for creating a custom field opens.


A custom field must be given a name and value.

  • Name - can consist of a maximum of 50 characters.
  • Value - can consist of 200 characters.

Custom fields can be used as a field with information that simply needs to be remembered, as well as information that may need to be displayed in a report or tooltip, for example, a car’s VIN number or tank volumes.

You can adjust the display of these fields in the report and tooltips using the Display in tooltip image-20221005124556-6.png  and Display in report image-20221005124556-7.png options .

The Display in tooltip option  allows you to display this custom field in a tooltip that appears when you hover over an object in monitoring. In the tooltip, custom fields are displayed in the same order in which they are located in the object properties.

The Display in report option  allows you to display this custom field in the following reports:

  • Track - in the table Summary information
  • Flights
  • Movements and stops
  • Drains and refills

There is also an option  Display custom fields in reports , it is located in the user settings, Reports - General settings. When activated, custom fields with  the Display in report option active  will be displayed in reports. If the option is inactive, custom fields will not be displayed in reports even with  the Display in report option active . By default, the option is inactive.

Displaying custom fields in report designer tables is under development. It is intended to provide this opportunity in the following tables:

  • Sensors
  • Trips
  • Engine overspeed
  • Over speed
  • Reasons for downtime
  • Drains and refills
  • Parking lots
  • Fuel


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