Basic concepts

Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2023/04/24 16:29

The GLONASSSoft satellite monitoring system  is a software product that allows you to organize movement control and tracking of significant indicators of movable or stationary objects (cars, special equipment, gas stations, trains, employees, pets, etc.).

The system allows:

  • track the movement of objects on the map in real time and for the past period

  • control changes in parameters, such as the direction and speed of movement, fuel consumption, departure from the route boundaries

  • control objects (transmission of commands to connected equipment)

  • receive alerts about emergency situations (speeding, draining fuel from the tank)

  • keep a travel schedule

  • generate reports (graphs and tables) on trips and the state of objects for the period.

Users see the main information on the computer screen, and the received data can be saved as reports in popular formats and printed.

Monitoring system

The main operating interface with which users can manage objects, track their parameters and sensor readings, send commands, build reports, and more.


Users who monitor objects operate with the following concepts:

  • Objects

  • Geo objects

  • fields

  • Tasks

  • Drivers

  • Trailers and units

  • Reports

Monitoring  is a continuous process of observing and recording the parameters of an object.

Monitoring objects (objects)  - mobile or stationary objects on which terminals are installed and whose movement is controlled. Most often, the objects are the client's cars.

Object status  - the state of the monitoring system installed on the object and communication with it.

Geo object  - a virtual arbitrarily limited area on a geographical map (by type: polygon, line, POI - "point of interest")

A field  is a type of geo object used in the agricultural sector, it is distinguished by an additional set of accounting and work planning functions.

Grouping of objects  - objects, geo objects and fields can be formed into groups using a filter to make it easier to work with them by categories such as divisions, models, clients, addresses, etc. As a rule, to compose a grouping, you need to fill in the appropriate category directory in the control panel.

Department  - a way of grouping objects within a department, branch or functional purpose.

Driver  - a driver or machine operator who can be assigned to a monitored object in order to control access to it and record working hours.

Task for the driver  - a task for a trip at a certain time at a certain object.

Trailer or unit  - a trailer or specialized equipment that is installed on the monitored object and does not have an actual engine to connect the terminal. The control of such objects, as a rule, is carried out using radio frequency identification.

Task (systems)  - the system allows you to set the automatic execution of certain actions, for example, notifying the user about the entry or exit of an object outside the boundaries of a geoobject.

Reports  are tabular or graphical representations of information received from an object using navigation (terminals) and other (sensors, tags, etc.) equipment necessary for accounting and analyzing the effectiveness of objects.

Control Panel

Part of the system designed to manage access to individual sections and functions, as well as to administer user accounts.


Administrators working in the control panel operate with the following concepts:

  • Clients

  • Users

  • Objects

  • Reference books

  • Repeaters

Subscriber terminal (GPS/GLONASS tracker, navigation equipment)  - a device installed on a monitoring object to receive a satellite signal (GPS/GLONASS) and transmit data to the system about the location of the object, as well as readings of various connected equipment (sensors, RFID identification devices, on-board network of equipment, etc.).

Client  - an account of an organization that concludes a contract for the use of the monitoring service. Within the organization, a branching structure of departments can be organized and any number of users can be created. The allowed number of connected objects is regulated by the tariff.

User  - an account of an official who uses the application to perform tasks.

Directory  - a list of categories that can be filled in, linking individual system entities (for example, models of objects and trailers) and allowing you to create groupings of objects.

Repeater  - a method of transmitting data received from navigation equipment in real time from the system to other servers or other services.

Administrator  - a specialist in maintenance of databases and information systems.

An account  is a record containing information that a user reports about himself to some computer system.

Subscription  - registration of an agreement for the provision of services for continuous software updates during the term of the agreement.

Billing  - a set of processes and solutions responsible for collecting information about the use of telecommunications services, their billing, billing subscribers, processing payments.

Access rights  - a set of rules that regulate the procedure and conditions for the access of the subject to the objects of the information system, established by the administrator.

A role  is a set of data that, on the one hand, describes a set of access rights, and, on the other hand, a subset of users who have these rights. It is used to facilitate access control, instead of assigning individual rights to each user individually.

Created by Андрей Калиновский on 2022/05/16 16:54


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